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Charlotte short version (1).png

"The Galaxy: Singing ourselves home (or Why we must have up-to-date sex ed)" is a storypoem by Charlotte Kennedy. This storypoem video was created as a collaboration between Charlotte Kennedy and Aging Activisms. Copyright and ownership of the storypoem remains with Charlotte Kennedy.


This video and storypoem are not to be reproduced, altered, or used for commercial purposes. With respect for the storyteller, please do not share this video on social media, nor duplicate, quote, forward, or embed it anywhere else.


This storypoem was recorded as part of a research workshop called "Intergenerational LGBTQ2IA+ Storytelling" held on Michi Saagiig Anishinaabeg territory, in Nogojiwanong (Peterborough, Canada). This workshop was part of Dr. May Chazan's "Stories of Resistance, Resurgence, & Resilience in Nogojiwanong (Peterborough)" project (Trent University/ Aging Activisms). 


This workshop was co-led by Dr. Chazan and anya gwynne (Peterborough AIDS Resource Network), funded through a New Horizons for Seniors Grant, and the Canada Research Chairs program. It was approved by the Trent University’s Research Ethics Board in 2018.


Chi miigwech to Shawna Redskye for the music.

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