Joëlle Favreau
This video was created as part of a multi-year project, bringing community activists together across generations and movements to share and record diverse stories of activism in Nogojiwanong/Peterborough. In fall 2017, as part of May Chazan's course WMST 4122H, and in collaboration with the Kawartha World Issues Centre, we created 12 more digital stories with social changers of different ages, abilities, genders and backgrounds (see the first round of stories from 2016 here: We will be adding to these in the years to come. Stay tuned!
Interview with Joëlle Favreau
Interviewer: Lindsay Yates
Photographer: Joelle Favreau
Editors: Sarah Brouse and Lindsay Yates
Project Leadership: May Chazan, Melissa Baldwin, Emma Langley